The Shibby

I have been hanging out in Busan, South Korea for the better part of a year. In that time I have experienced a whole lot of craziness...

Some Words of Wisdom

I've got a smile on my face, I've got four walls around me. The sun in the sky, the water surrounds me. I'll win now but sometimes I'll lose. I've been battered, but I'll never bruise, it's not so bad. And I say way-hey-hey, it's just an ordinary day, and it's all your state of mind. At the end of the day, you've still got to say, it's all right.

-Great Big Sea

Posted By mmurphy on/at 2/02/2009 04:19:00 am

Day 4: After feeling a bit pained from the night before the four of us staggered down to the beach for some crepes and coffee. We couldn't find any place to sit so we made friendly with a couple of British girls who let us share their table. Soon after we had a few of the girls we had met the night before join us. Like the day before, we spent the majority of it on the beach skim boarding, swimming and playing random sports. At some point in the day I was trying to teach Jessie how to skim board. For the record when I say teach, I mean vaguely explain what to do and hand her the board, this same approach worked with Alex moments earlier. Sure enough, on her first try she bailed. After 'rushing' over to her and sitting beside her like a goof not knowing what to do or what happened I discovered that she had hurt her ankle. Later x-rays confirmed that it was in fact broken. So let this be a lesson to all of you, don't ever let me teach you how to do ANYTHING! I felt really bad for this and still do feel sorta guilty about it. She kept saying not to worry about it but you know me, I couldn't help it. Jake and Ross than took her to the island hospital and we left the beach for the day in favour of food and drinks. The four of us went back to the hostel for a little while to change and relax a bit before having dinner at Samba. After dinner we returned to the hostel so that Sam and Alex could have a nap while James and I went to play pool at the hostel bar. When we arrived we found Danni, Jake and some others hanging out and decided to join them. Within a few hours we had managed to assemble a large group of people and headed out to the bars for the evening. As per usual we started out at the bean-bag bar before moving on to a series of other places including one that we had to walk through the ocean to get to! We spent the remainder of the night bar-hoping and cooling down with the occasional swim. At the end of the night we thought that maybe it was best to get some food before going home so we found a Filipino fast-food joint that served us beef and rice bowls that tasted more like dog and sand. It really wouldn't surprise me if there was dog in it... At this point we were about to go home when we noticed that it was dawn and with some quick thinking hopped in a bike-taxi and instructed the guy to take us to the beach! He took us to some misbegotten marsh pit and dumped us with a bunch of seedy looking locals who were watching us while Jame was dropping his money and chasing it down the beach. Sufficient to say we were creeped right out. We had missed the sunrise by this point so decided it would be worth while to just head home. So we walked...and walked...and walked eventually finding our way back thanks to the guidance of the Brit that was with us. I crashed for a good 4 hours only to be woken up again by a rooster for my final day in Boracay...

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